Monday, May 31, 2010

A girl and her backpack

I thought it was about time to add a picture of me and the backpack.... this is what's it is like when I'm moving around from place to place! Even though I packed as lightly as I could, this backpack does get heavy after a while!! I'm certainly glad to be putting it down when I arrive at the next destination. I don't complain though coz if I want to have something with me, then I have to be prepared to carry it :)
Photo: compliments of Janita


  1. Hi Sarah
    Don't topple over now!! Looks like you are chillin cobs.

  2. WOW! thats a load and a half :)
    Hope you are enjoying yourself to bits!
    God Bless

  3. You sure look like you are enjoying yourself!! keep the photo's coming- we are enjoying them muchly! take care..B & E

  4. I knew that this post would get some comments! Insane really when you think about the massive load of JUNK that you need to survive.... and who says a hair straightener isn't necessary?!?!?
